Deodorant packaging.jpg

Your lymph nodes are the most sensitive nodes in your body and they populate at your armpits. Commercial deodorants are filled with chemicals that feed directly into your nodes, so how about cancelling out the chemicals and treating your body to a natural deodorant.

There are many benefits to making your own cosmetics: 
Tweaking the recipe to suit your preferences,
Knowing exactly which ingredients are used and avoiding toxins 
(like aluminum components, parabens, Sodium lauryl sulfate...)
Reducing waste and even saving money!

Learn to make your own natural deodorant without toxins like aluminum compounds or parabens. This recipe works just as well as store bought deodorant and is very easy to remake at home.

Arrow root starch small.jpg

You'll leave with:
1 container of deodorant
The full recipe to continue making it at home


1 Hour

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