Detox Hair & Face Mask

DIY Workshop

 The sun and salt of Dubai have not been kind to my hair or skin…

My locks grew brittle and my face always feels dry no matter how much moisturizer I use.

After my hair-dresser lectured me on needing some serious deep conditioning, I started researching home-made recipes. I'd used a great Kerastase mask in the past but didn't feel like spending that much so I was thrilled to see that many of the ingredients in my DIY Toothpaste like Bentonite Clay and Coconut Oil were recommended for hair treatments as well!

Diving in a little deeper I noticed that many of these ingredients also showed up in face masks. It makes sense actually, since a big part of treating your hair is treating your scalp.

I experimented with a few versions before I settled on this one that passed the ultimate test: I used it once (seriously, ONCE!) the day before going back my hair-dresser and without any prompting she immediately commented on how much healthier my hair was!


Key Ingredients

Coconut Oil - for its hydrating and anti-bacterial properties, it also adds shine to your hair

Bentonite Clay - It soaks up heavy metals with its detoxifying properties and also adds shine, and helps with dandruff

Activated Charcoal - For your face it balances dry & oily skin, reduces pore sizes, treats acne, and soothes irritations. For your hair it adds volume, helps with dandruff and promotes hair growth.

Lavender Essential Oil - Its strong anti-bacterial properties act as a preservative. It also helps fight acne, soothes irritations, promotes hair growth, detoxifies, and has anti-aging properties.

Duration: 1 Hour