Embroidered Cloud Cushion

Embroidered cushion.JPG

I love living abroad and all the adventures it comes with, but one of the harder parts is definitely not being part of long-time friend's daily lives... I've made plenty of close new friends along the way but there's something bittersweet about going back home for the holidays and seeing all the season's of life (good and bad) that you weren't there to share... Even though I'm not as good at it as I would like (anyone will tell you communication via phone is not my thing), I'm always trying to find a special way to let the people I don't share my day to day with know that I'm thinking of them.

So when my old college roommate told me she was pregnant I really wanted to give her daughter in-the-making something special, even something a bit time consuming, so she would know that I was thinking of them for how ever many hours it took to make.

Here's a step-by-step how to, complete with a printable pattern to scale for all future dreamers in your life :)

Embroidered cushion material.jpg

Material Needed:

- Fabric (I used men's shirting cotton)

- Printed Artwork

- Tailors chalk/erasable marker or carbon paper

- Embroidery hoop & thread

-  Scissors

- Sewing machine

- Needles

- Wadding or stuffing from an old pillow

Embroidered cushion pattern.JPG

1- Download the pattern by following the link below or draw your own!

2- Cut out your pattern leaving a 1cm border for sewing

3- Transfer the embroidery design to your fabric either with tailor's chalk/marker if your fabric is this enough to see the design by transparency or using carbon paper to trace it on to thicker fabric

4- Cut out 2 pieces of fabric following the pattern: 1 blank, 1 with your transferred embroidery artwork

Dreamer cushion artwork.jpg
Embroidered cushion 2.JPG

5- Embroider your artwork by mixing colors and stitches as suggested above

6- Place both pieces of fabric together with the embroidery  facing inside and sew around at about 1cm from the fabric's edge. Leave a 5cm opening and cut notches at the corners (careful not to cut through to seam!) and turn the cushion right side out.

Roll the seams between your fingers until the cloud shape is formed then iron to set.

7- Fill with wadding and hand stitch the last 5cm closed

Would you like to see more cushion DIYs like this? Need more info on the embroidery techniques? Let me know below!

pppssssttt- if you like this post but maybe want to start with something a little easier, check out my embroidered basket!